Embracing Abundance: The Path to True Resourcefulness is the Opposite of being Cheap

In life, there is a behavior pattern that stems from a desire to take shortcuts and settle for less than what you truly want. This pattern is known as being "cheap." 

It is fueled by a sense of entitlement and is a result of bargaining and expectation.

Being "cheap" means being disconnected from your inherent resourcefulness and lacking faith and trust in yourself.

It is wanting things on your own timeline, seeking someone else to make things easier or faster for you. You know the feeling of going to the fridge hungry for a meal and settling for a tiny piece of cheese, leaving the kitchen unsatisfied.

You may also experience the full desire for something, such as hiring someone to guide you, yet still scheme to find ways to get it cheaper or ask for a discount. 

You count missing pennies from old exchanges, holding onto resentment. You stay in others' houses for free, convincing yourself that you’re incapable of providing stability for yourself.

Being "cheap" is not solely about money; it's about lacking reverence for what it truly takes to be resourceful to become a match for what you want. 

You may scheme, skip steps, and squander your energy, but ultimately, the energy you cultivate in your life is your harvest. 

You cannot sustain growth with dead resentful soil and extractive harvesting processes. Things need to be grown and tended to in the right order honouring the the place you’re in and the journey you’re on. 

Stop trying to shiny so brightly you forget what’s real. 


Why you can have it


Transformation from the inside out