Desire & The Liberated Woman: my life story
Hello friends,
Have you ever had the experience of being interviewed or you've been in a conversation with someone and you've walked away feeling like, mmm, that didn't really feel like me?
Well that's historically been my experience when I've been on podcasts in recent years. I have been left with this feeling like my voice wasn't really my own or I didn't really have the full courage to really own my story and who I am.
It's a feeling I have experience a lot in my life of feeling under-expressed.
Do you find this hard to?
To find spaces where your full expression is welcomed?
Last week was a big week at Olivia HQ.
And I happened to have an interview with one my Business BFF's Catherine Navarro and her creative partner Brenda Fredericks on their amazing podcast Desire as Medicine right in the middle of the storm.
I walked into this interview feeling raw and I walked out feeling deeply seen, fully expressed and really excited for this podcast to air.
For the first time ever after a podcast interview.
Desire & The Liberated Woman is a deep dive into some of my journey over the past few decades that have made me the woman I am today.
We explore my vision, what inspires me, why I do what I do, what challenges me and what I'm creating next.
You'll hear me to talk boldly about Ambrosia: The Full Liberated Woman in Paris which is a dream retreat that I'm curating in April that as an upgraded option for my upcoming The Liberated Woman online Coaching Intensive.
You'll hear me talk about why I couldn't not do this event and how important it is that we create audaciously and follow creative desires.
Listen to the full interview on Spotify here.
For more information about Ambrosia & The Liberated Woman, you can read more below.
If you are a bold, audacious woman that deserves almighty celebration then this experience is for you.