The Flame of Truth that you can’t outrun

Diana had a flame in her.

It was potent.



And she paid the price with her life.

Her husband was in love, and clearly fu*king another woman.

As the world watched.

She remained gracious, vulnerable and honest.

And she was hounded and annihilated by the British Press.

I spent a period of time down obsessive rabbit holes watching all the interviews from her life before she died.

It’s jaw dropping.

Like vultures, they came for her.

The level of truth that is required to pierce through the thick fog of racism and bullshit in the British Monarchy has always needed to be radical.

There is no way Diana being who she was wouldn’t pass down a legacy.

William is limp.

Kate brought right into and began the manicurizarion of herself.

The British press lapped it up like a cat with a fresh bowl a milk.

A woman giving them exactly what they want.

The Perfect, Sanitized Wife.

Nothing gets the cheap British Press wet more than a woman keeping herself in line.

They were waiting in the rafters like a bunch of starving Jack-Rabbits for a woman like Meghan to come through the doors.

I wouldn’t wish this role on anyone.

The amount of stiffening and conforming that is required to marry into that is not for me.


Harry has always been a creature of the margins.

I have always liked that about him.

He is a energetically erect, awake with a big tender heart.

We saw his fire in Vegas all those years ago.

Party boy Harry was showing signs of breaking out.

You can see the connection he has to his mama everytime he talks about her.

The Feminine Flame of Truth that she gave him never died.

Because it can’t.

He kept his heart open to a bigger life.

Marrying a woman like Meghan was an outstanding move for his soul.

And terrible for his “status”.

He choose a marriage that would bring him freedom.

It was the thread that brought the whole thing crumbling down.

And it has created the conditions for this level of inside exposure to the happenings behind the veil.

Diana was the pinnacle of what is deemed acceptable in a woman in British society.

White. Blonde. Gorgeous.

And they still drove her to death.

Meghan is a woman of colour.
A creative.
A woman of soul.

This is a threat and they treated her as such.

It is both disgusting and not surprising.

And I am so glad she chose to live.
She chose to stay with us.
With her family.
And her son.

They have created something beautiful out of tragedy.

Anyone denying the truth of it is clearly not ready for where the world is currently headed.

That deeply embedded racism is being exposed left, right and centre.

We expose first and then we all stare the mess in the face.

Every single drop.

We look at every place we’ve been complicit.

Every place this level of rejection lives in us.

We often confuse love for comfort.

And freedom for status.

Meghan and Harry represent the new age.

This is the kind of world-changing pairing that is here for the deepest level of transformation possible.

This is legacy.

And deep personal integrity.

It is doing something different because Truth guides you to do so.

This is marrying for your Soul and taking every part of that responsibility seriously.

You can stuff that truth down inside of you.

But it will always come back on.

You can’t outrun what you’ve been given.


This was a viral post I wrote three years ago when Megan and Harry did the Oprah interview. I never watched the interview but spoke to something I was observing in the way that they were treated and how it's deeply similar to other truth-tellers who expose the rot under the surface.

The world does not treat liberation kindly but that doesn't stop us becoming free.

What is the truth you've been given that you cannot outrun?


The Feminine Jack Rabbit